Monday, July 21, 2008


"Are you 100% glad I've got a tooth gone?"

Micah has been waiting a long time for this.

It has been loose for a whole month.

He finally just pulled it out today.

Now it's on to 20 questions about the tooth fairy!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A picture is worth a thousand words...

Asa just wanted to let you all know that he is doing lots better.
Thank you all for your prayers, please continue to pray for his healing.

Friday, July 4, 2008


I am not a crafty,

but I was brave and went to sewing night at Jaime's house.

She was very kind to let me use her machine.

I was sure I would break it since my only sewing experience

was in jr high home ec. I think I fared OK.

I at least finished my bag and it only took 6 hours!

Thanks Jaime, Amy, and Jodi

for your patience.

Here is the pirate bag I made for Asa

I think he likes it and it fits him perfectly!

( yes, I already know I am a dork!)